July 16, 2015 - Regular Meeting
Invocation (Johnna McKinnon) Pledge of Allegiance Call to Order1. Attendance Minutes: Present: Janice Kerekes, District 1; Carol Studdard, District 2; Betsy Condon, District 3; Johnna McKinnon, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Superintendent Charlie Van Zant.
Consent AgendaSuperintendent
2. C-1 Minutes of Workshop/Special Meeting on June 8, 2015, and Student Hearings and Regular Meeting on June 18, 2015Attachment: Disciplinary Minutes-2015 June 18.pdf (Confidential Item) Attachment: 07-16-15 Workshop-Special Meeting on June 8.pdf Attachment: 07-16-15 Regular Meeting on June 18.pdf School Board Attorney
3. C-2 Approve settlement of personal injury claims of Carrie Hollenbacher Deputy Superintendent
4. C-3 Proposed Allocation Changes for 2015-2016Attachment: Allocation Summary - July 16, 2015.pdf 5. C-4 Interlocal Agreement to Sell Diesel Fuel to the Board of County Commissioners for Use of Emergency Vehicles in the McRae AreaAttachment: Interlocal Agreement with Board of County Commissioners.pdf 6. C-5 Agreement between School Board of Clay County and Clay County Sheriff's Office for Purchase of Gasoline at Middleburg FacilityAttachment: CCSB agreement with CCSO 2015-2016.pdf 7. C-6 Daily Hours for Teachers and Students for 2015-2016Attachment: School - Daily Hours 2015-2016.pdf Human Resources
8. C-7 Personnel Consent AgendaAttachment: Personnel Consent Agenda 7 16 2015.pdf 9. C-8 Appointment of Clay County School Board's CCEA and CESPA Bargaining Team Members for 2015-2016Attachment: Bargaining Team Members 2015-2016.pdf Instruction
10. C-9 Request permission to travel out of State to Washington D.C. to attend annual MCEC (Military Child Education Coalition) training 11. C-10 Contract for 2015-16 school year for Kelly EdmonsonAttachment: Final Kelly Edmonson Contract 2015-2016.pdf 12. C-11 Young Rembrandts Enrichment Program ContractAttachment: Young Rembrandts Contract 2015.pdf 13. C-12 Art Enrichment Contract between SBCC and Lorraine Butler for 15/16Attachment: Art Enrichment Contract 2015-2016.pdf 14. C-13 Agreement between SBCC and Bricks 4 KidzAttachment: Bricks 4 Kidz Contract 2015-2016.pdf 15. C-14 Agreement between SBCC and Building MindsAttachment: Building Minds Contract 2015-2016.pdf 16. C-15 Overnight/Out of State TravelAttachment: Nassau Bahamas 2016.pdf 17. C-16 IDEA Grant Part B and Part B Preschool.Attachment: IDEA Grant Executive Summaries 2015-2016.pdf Attachment: IDEA Grant Budget Summaries 2015-2016.pdf 18. C-17 Audiological Therapy Services Contract 15-16.Attachment: AUDIOLOGICAL SERVICES contract SHARPE 15 16.pdf 19. C-18 Carlton Palms Contract 2015-16.Attachment: CARLTON PALMS CONTRACT 15 16 NO NAME.pdf 20. C-20 Clarke School for the Deaf Agreement 2015-16.Attachment: CLARKE SCHOOL AGREEMENT 15 16.pdf 21. C-21 Clay Behavioral Health Center Agreement 2015-16.Attachment: CLAY BEHAVIORAL HEALTH 15 16.pdf 22. C-22 Interpreters Services Contract 2015-16.Attachment: Interpreter services contract 15 16 ALONZO.pdf 23. C-23 Parent Services Contract 2015-16.Attachment: PARENT LIAISON SERVICES CONTRACT 15 16.pdf 24. C-24 R.I.S.E. Contract 2015-16.Attachment: RISE CONTRACT 15 16.pdf 25. C-25 SEDNET Lutheran Services Contract Amendment 102Attachment: SEDNET LSF Amend 102 $8,000.pdf 26. C-26 SEDNET Support Staff Contract 2015-16.Attachment: SEDNET Support Services Contract 2015 16..pdf 27. C-27 Transition Coach Contract 2015-16.Attachment: Transition Coach Contract 15 16.pdf 28. C-28 Advertise the 2015-2016 Student Code of ConductAttachment: 15-16 Code of Conduct.pdf 29. C-29 Contract with ClassLinkAttachment: Clay County - ClassLink LaunchPad License SLA and NDA Agreement v2015 REVISED.pdf 30. C-30 Out of State Travel - DoDEA GrantAttachment: intelmath_brochure.pdf 31. C-31 Mainspring Academy Contract 2015-16.Attachment: Mainspring Academy Contract ESY.pdf Business Affairs
32. C-32 Petty Cash Funds for 2015-16 Fiscal Year 33. C-33 Monthly Property Report - June, 2015 - Furniture/EquipmentAttachment: Furniture-Equipment Report-June, 2015.pdf 34. C-34 Monthly Property Report - June, 2015 - AV MaterialsAttachment: Audiovisual Report-June, 2015.pdf 35. C-35 Monthly Property Report - June, 2015 - SoftwareAttachment: Software Report-June, 2015.pdf 36. C-36 Monthly Property Report - June, 2015 - VehiclesAttachment: Vehicles Report-June, 2015.pdf 37. C-37 Deletion of Certain Items Report - July, 2015Attachment: Deletion Report-July, 2015.pdf Attachment: Deletion Report (Attachment)-July, 15.pdf 38. C-38 Warrants and Vouchers for June 2015Attachment: WARRANTS AND VOUCHERS JUNE 2015.pdf Support Services
39. C-39 Pre-Qualification of ContractorsAttachment: Contractor List 7,16,15.pdf 40. C-40 Additive Change Order #1 for Orange Park Junior High School Kitchen Floor and Sewer ReplacementAttachment: OPJH CO 1.pdf 41. C-41 Additive Change Order #2 for Keystone Heights Elementary School Gymnasium RenovationAttachment: CO 2 KHE Gym Reno.pdf
Adoption of Consent Agenda42. Adoption of Consent Agenda Minutes: Speakers from the Audience on Consent agenda items:
- Keith Nichols spoke to Item C-8
- Teresa Dixon spoke to Item C-8
- Rebecca Smith spoke to Item C-8
- Kim Stacy spoke to Item C-8
- Stacy Coffey spoke to Item C-8
- Tedda Keener spoke to Item C-8
- Tracy Butler spoke to Item C-3
- Tracy Butler spoke to Item C-8
Speakers to C-8 made comments in support of a pay increase for support employees.
Motions: | Approve the Consent Agenda with the exception of Item C-19 that was moved to Discussion. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Carol Studdard | Second: Ashley Gilhousen | Elizabeth Condon | - Aye | Ashley Gilhousen | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Johnna McKinnon | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye |
Recognitions and Awards43. Recognize 2014-2015 RetireesAttachment: 2014-2015 Retirees.pdf Minutes: David Broskie, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, took this opportunity to introduce the new HR administrative team. Jackie Cory replaces Linda Lancaster as the Director of Support Personnel, Brenda Troutman replaces Dr. Michael Henry as the Director of Instructional Personnel, and Cathy Richardson replaces Terry Stanilonis as the Supervisor of Instructional Personnel.
Mrs. Cory announced that there were 144 employees (list attached) who retired during the 2014-2015 school year, representing a combined total of 3,082 years of service in the school district. The following retirees were present to receive certificates of recognition: Wanda Beverly, Anna Bishop, Holly Cromer, Terry Grieninger, Margaret Hopkins, Dorthy Robinson, and Joseph Lorentzson, 44. Recognize completers of Preparing New Principals RequirementsAttachment: Principal Certification - July 2015.pdf Minutes: Mrs. Troutman recognized the following administrators who have completed training requirements and been awarded Level II Principal certification: Laurie Burke, Brian Cox, Jennifer Halter, Jessica Pullen, Lana Racine, Melanie Sanders, Jeffrey Shriver, and Heather Teto. Not present: Amy Dyal, Thomas Gerds, Mark McKinney 45. 2015 Wes Whiddon Scholarship Recipients Minutes: Frances Celis, Supervisor of Secondary Education, gave information about the scholarship and Wes Whiddon, whose memory the scholarship honors. His mother, Principal Angela Whiddon, spoke briefly as did Coach Robert Worley who was instrumental in the founding of the scholarship fund in 2009.
Presenters (None) Scheduled Citizen Requests (None) Discussion AgendaSuperintendent
46. D-1 Superintendent's Update Minutes: At the Superintendent's request, Mrs. Celis gave a brief summary of the AMI Kids Program, a new opportunity that will focus on at-risk male students. With the help of Senator Bradley and Representative Cummings, Clay County received a $750,000 grant to bring the program here.
With students returning for the new school year on August 17th, Mr. Van Zant asked and through consensus of the Board, the August 20, 2015, Regular board meeting was moved to August 27, 2015. This will allow him, district and school administrators to focus on assisting schools during the opening week.
47. D-2 Appoint one Board member and one private citizen to serve a one-year term on the Value Adjustment Board for a one-year term beginning August 1, 2014 and ending July 31, 2015 Minutes:
Motions: | Motion to submit the following names to serve on the 2015 Value Adjustment Board: Mrs. Studdard as Primary member, Mrs. Kerekes as the Alternate, Mr. Scott Roberts as Citizen member | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Elizabeth Condon | Second: Ashley Gilhousen | Elizabeth Condon | - Aye | Ashley Gilhousen | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Johnna McKinnon | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye |
Human Resources
48. D-3 Human Resources Special Actions Minutes: There were no special actions.
49. C-19 AMIKids (Pulled by Mrs. Studdard)Attachment: Contract AMIkids- Clay REVISED final draft.pdf Attachment: AMIKids Information Packet.pdf Minutes: Mrs. Studdard had pulled this item for public awareness of the program new to Clay County. A summary was given under Item D-1, Superintendent's Update.
Motions: | Motion to approve | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Elizabeth Condon | Second: Ashley Gilhousen | Elizabeth Condon | - Aye | Ashley Gilhousen | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Johnna McKinnon | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye |
Presentations from the Audience50. Speakers Minutes: Liz Crane - spoke about students who inspire teachers
Superintendent's Requests51. Comments Minutes: Superintendent Van Zant spoke about some of the exciting things taking place in the 2015-2016 school year.
School Board's Requests52. Comments Minutes: Board members made general comments.
Mrs. Kerekes will serve as Clay County's representative on the 2015-2016 FSBA Legislative Committee and Mrs. McKinnon will serve as the Alternate.
Mrs. McKinnon will also serve as the Board's representative on the district's Athletic Appeals Committee.
Mrs. McKinnon reminded everyone of upcoming meetings:
- Tuesday, July 21, 2015, 4:00 p.m. Workshop/6:00 p.m. Special Meeting
- Tuesday, July 28, 2015, 6:00 p.m. Special Meeting/first Public Hearing on the 2015-2016 Budget
Attorney's Requests (None) Adjournment (8:17 p.m.) |